for the beginner Ventriloquist only :DEITY a god or goddess in polytheistic religion.

Religion practice polytheism: Hinduism.. Buddhism.. wicca.. confucianism...Shintoism.. various...African tribal and/or folk religions.. and various American tribal and/or folk religions. 

Polytheism the belief of many gods...
Judaism, Christianity and Islam belief in one god..
Chinese folk religion is polytheistic and so is Japanese shinto.
(EPHORS) a group of priests of the gods. 
They exercise power by interpreting the words of the oracle.
as a beginner Ventriloquist you need know about your Ventriloquist ancestors. we will now take a look at some of your ancestors blood lines. In the beginning there were witches and warlocks, magicians and sorcery and witch craft and fortunetellers and witch doctors and the oracle our ancestors, what is a oracle? a oracle is a person such as a priestess of ancient Greece, through whom a deity is believed to speak. 

What is a deity? a deity is a god or goddess in a polytheistic religion. "a ruler driven by delusions of dieity"  deity: the creator and supreme being.. deity: a divine being. 

ORACLE  were the ventriloquist figure.              DEITY  were the images 
the image was speaking through the oracle to whom that seeks answers from the gods.

TODAY'S VENTRILOQUISM the art is no longer for religion, it is now a art of entertainment so the deity is removed and everything else is the same.. the ephors and the oracle are the same, the ventriloquist still create the illusion of a voice coming from a location besides the actual speaker..a ventriloquist dummy or puppet or doll or human can be used as a oracle. 
In the movie 300 the priest had a dancing girl whispering as she moved her lips the priest interpreting her speech out loud.. you can't get no better than that with ancient history of the art of homework I would like you to see for yourself only for an example how the art of ventriloquism was used in ancient history.

watch the movie 300 for history assignment. For beginner ventriloquists only no matter how many times you have seen it already now you are watching it for study and not entertainment.

should you study the complete movie the answer is yes because you will see deity and oracle and ephors in a example way. 

deity goddess (image)
deity in the presence of a small infant.                   (in images only)

deity of a image god (in images only)
deity goddess (in images only)
deity lust goddess (in images only)
deity goddess and god (in images only)
deity in the presence of the doll.                       (in images only)
Deity in the presence of the doll.                           ( in images only)
deity  worship (in images only)
deity worship (in images only)
deity worship (in images only)
deity worship ( in images only)
deity god (in images only)

deity worship (in images only) 


deity in the presence of the doll.                     (in images only)
Dear beginners students of the art of ventriloquism.. answer this question with yes or no... they look human don't they? 

The neanderthals was a animal with a bigger brain 🧠 than a human, they could see in the dark, they could run faster than a human, they were stronger than humans but that big brain had nothing in it, even though the human brain was smaller it was full of knowledge and wisdom, the humans put the neanderthals in to extinction with their small brains. Just because you have a bigger brain with nothing in it doesn't mean that you are smarter, it means that you're a dummy and this is where our ancestors begin with the talking monkey.
as a beginner Ventriloquist student you may ask why did the humans put the neanderthals in extinction? it's because the neanderthals were trying to destroy the human species so in order for the human species to survive they learned to put their small brains to work. You may wonder πŸ€” What kind of species are the neanderthals, research says they are "the great ape" it makes me think of the movie called the planet of the apes but the neanderthals were real species that once were here on planet earth. This lesson is to confirm the possibility that our ancestors the ventriloquist priesthood could rule the world with the art of ventriloquism. 
scientists says The homo sapiens were in Africa and the neanderthals were in Europe and Asia now I want you to keep in mind religion was  practice all over the world, in every tribe, klan, kingdom, town, country, state, village and what ever else community. Giving our ancestors of the ventriloquist priesthood global power of the gods.. I would like for you to do the research yourself because when I was a beginner Ventriloquist I read a lot of books on the art of ancient ventriloquism but now I finally put the complete story together here, those books on ancient ventriloquism didn't give me the vision I see now.. it's all clear how ancient ventriloquism became, the idol worship, the golden cafe, the talking statues, the Apollo gods and false goddess, the deity.. from stone figures to wooden ventriloquist figures to today plastic ventriloquist figures. 

The secret of ventriloquism, could it be that the ventriloquist priesthood had the neanderthals for audience members and demonstrated the powers of the mystery gods. some neanderthals were thrilled at the first sight of seeing πŸ”₯ fire. Can you imagine what it must have been like to hear a voice coming from a πŸ—Ώ statue or a whispering goddess. 
as it was in the beginning it is now, from ancient history to today the ventriloquist continues the "what if".



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